Twin Cities, Minnesota

  • Shawn

    He/him Gay 25 St. Paul

    About them: Shawn is one of the most amazing people you’ll ever get to know. He is an ICU nurse, former college pole vaulter and current high school track coach. He loves the outdoors and is always down for an adventure big or small: summer hammocking, a walk around the neighborhood, hiking a mountain in Colorado, or camping in the Boundary Waters.

    Shawn is one of the most constant and caring friends in my life, and is always ready to drop everything if you need him. He is a JOY to be around and fills the room with laughter and light. He has an infectious, positive energy and needs someone to enhance and match his joyfulness.

    What you should know about them:

    Shawn is one of the most type A people I know. If you’re hanging out, don’t be late! Also, his love language is words of affirmation, which is something to make sure is at the forefront of your relationship with him.

    What’s a good memory of them?

    I was sitting at our kitchen table, and Shawn came into the kitchen yelling “TIA I need you to come in here right now it’s an emergency.” I went over, and he said “I need you to do the HOTTOGO dance with me really quick.”

    What is something they’re proud of?

    He is very humble about this and would never brag, so I will for him. In college, he competed at the national championships track meet two times and received an All-American award in the pole vault. His PR is over 16’ !!!!


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  • Ronan

    He/him Straight 24 Minneapolis/Spain

    About them: Ronan were roommates for a year. He is a great cook, an excellent cleaner, and a fantastic friend. He is a giver— to unwind from work he would cook elaborate meals for me and him, without any sort of compensation. He’s a good guy to just hang with. Some of my best memories of Ronan are literally us just going to the grocery store together. 

    Ronan has good taste in food but also furniture, clothes and music. He is smart, majored in Neuroscience at USD. He also is a great singer. He kinda sounds like Billie Joel Amrstrong. 

    Ronan is a caring, thoughtful friend. He treats himself and friends with respect. He’d walk you home if he felt it was unsafe for you to go alone. 

    Ronan is also probably the most naturally feminist guy I know. He has many women friends and he just holds everybody— himself, friends, strangers— in high respect. 


    Cooking, Singing, Music. Running and other sports. 


    Bad drinks. Bad food. Poorly made furniture. Ugly Interior Decor. 

    What do you admire about them?:

    There are a lot of things I admire about Ronan. He’s a great cook. He has thick skin. He is a naturally generous and thoughtful guy. He always gives out accurate compliments. 

    What you should know about them:

    Since Ronan does have good taste, he can sometimes come across as pretentious. But he also has a great sense of humor, so if you make fun of him for it he’ll roll with it. 

    Warning, Ronan is catnip for certain types of women. 

    Who would they be good with?

    Somebody who is sassy and loves to tease. 

    Ideal first date?

    Going to a nice restaurant or him making you a nice meal, then going to a bar. 


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  • Faith

    She/her Straight 25 St. Paul

    About them: Faith is competitive, vibrant, and always in community. Her quick wit keeps you on your toes and if you can beat her at something, she will be impressed. Whether competing or pursuing an interest she is a force to be reckoned with. Many of her activities have developed through being part of the Wyandot of Anderdon nation in Michigan. She is also involved in the native community in the Twin Cities!

    Faith’s spunk and style reflect a life of color. She loves a gay bar and dancing with others brings her a lot of joy. As a friend, she is loyal, down-to-earth, and her perspective is one that pieces things together you hadn’t considered. She is always willing to try something new and has an active sense of adventure.

    What you should know about them:

    Independent. Piercing eyes. She is slow to trust, and might initially be unsure of your character or intentions. If the trust is broken, good luck getting it back!

    Who would they be good with?

    Funny, good at banter, social justice oriented and politically aware, enjoys nature and dancing.

    What’s something they’re proud of? 

    Winning the Halloween costume contest at Moose Bar, dressed as Gamora.


    Swing dancing, native/organic farming, making jewelry, camping, canoeing, bouldering.


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  • Blake

    He/him Straight 25 Minneapolis

    About them: Blake is a chill guy who approaches life in a nonjudgmental and curious way. One day he might take you river tubing and another might be spent watching tiny desk concerts. His music taste is everywhere between Bob Dylan, Mexican folk, and Gunna. He has calmed me in moments of distress and is a fantastic listener (I write this as a female). At parties, which aren’t always his vibe, he can be a wallflower, but always finds himself losing at boom cup. He doesn’t know how to tie a mattress to a pick-up, but he is 6’5”. On top of the height, he takes care of himself and his body is tea. Some of his current goals are getting his bike license to tour with his dad and going back to Mexico with his sister.

    What you should know about them:

    He has a really low voice. He can be introverted, shy, and overthink. He will probably be slow to make a move.

    Who would they be good with?

    Outdoorsy, kind, low-maintenance, culturally competent, someone who can tell it to him straight.

    What’s a good memory you have of them? 

    Stargazing with our friends in the Atacama desert.


    Working out, exploring the great outdoors, sauna, word games, learning Spanish, breweries, spending time with friends, adventure sports, learning something new, watching movies.

    If they were famous, what would they be famous for?

    Something cool he did on accident.


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  • Ashlinn

    She/her Straight 25 Minneapolis

    About them: One of the most individualist thinkers who beats to her own drum while being in tune with the things and people around her. She can actually play the drums as well as the piano by ear! In college, she would cover songs by looping herself playing multiple instruments, doing acapella, and post them on Snapchat. She fuses different instruments and melodies from learning about music around the world. A similar thing can be said about her cooking and creative vision.

    Her most outstanding qualities are her relaxed demeanor, creative instincts, and curiosity. She doesn’t read into melancholy and exemplifies ways to be comfortable in your skin. She is the friend who inspired me to delete instagram, which significantly improved my life. She has also remembered specific foods I’ve mentioned and cooked them for me. Her advice is level-headed and, sometimes, surprising. She has plenty of hot takes and knows random facts. She is truly one of a kind and considered an enigma to most.

    What you should know about them:

    She is zen to the core. She can come across as aloof, nonchalant, and might not be direct in her communication. That being said, she can handle and appreciate someone respectfully addressing those behaviors. Lastly, she moves on her own time.

    Who would they be good with?

    Culturally competent. Kind. Passionate. A deep thinker. A person of faith.

    What’s a good memory you have of them? 

    The multiple times Ashlinn tried to teach me how to play the drums. Also, us traveling in Japan together!


    Cleanses, making music and art, cooking, learning about different cultures and languages.


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  • Adi

    He/him Straight 24 Minneapolis/NYC

    About them: Adi is a creative, argumentative, goofy, witty guy with a good sense of fashion. We became good friends when we picked up skating during high school, and although we only did it for a couple of years, he has that type of energy. Adi is an ambitious and fun-loving guy. Is often the life of the party but is also perfectly happy having a long, interesting conversation. Is somebody who seems like he grew up with sisters but has 2 younger brothers. Has always had women friends. Was in Romeo in Romeo and Juliet in High School. Is looking for his Juliet. Loves doing bits. 


    Making films, music. Wearing cool clothes. Some video games. Arguing. 


    Good at film, visual art, and music. He has a silver tongue, and a free spirit. Will always speak his mind, but in a tactful way. Music, fashion, art. 

    Who would they be good with?

    Fun. Sassy. Somebody who likes to argue but isn’t an arguer, per se. 


    Music video producer. 


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  • John

    He/him Straight 24 Minneapolis/Spain

    About them: John is a genuine, grounded, kind, and wise man. He is down-to-earth— we all love to tease him because he takes it so well and is confident. He’ll laugh at a bad joke, not because he feels bad for you, but because he thinks it’s funny that you thought a joke was funny. He is headstrong, intelligent, and a good listener. Was a social worker in Chicago.


    Pool. Soccer. Working out. Watching the Wire or other HBO TV shows.


    Pretension. High-maintenance people.

    What you should know about them:

    John can be stubborn. We will have to physically drag him away from a pool table, game, or whatever thing has his interest. But John also has the same approach to friendships. Once he is your friend, he will always have your back.


    Former Social Worker. On hiatus as an English teacher in Spain.

    Who would they be good with?

    A strong, intelligent woman. Somebody who is a bit more fluid or flexible, who likes banter


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