He/him Straight 24 Minneapolis
About them: AJ is chill, inquisitive, and fun, which makes him one of my favorite people to be around, especially in groups. He is someone who values their alone time to read, game, or watch tv. If you’re someone who needs a partner to do everything with you, this isn’t your guy. AJ values independence, which I think is one of his best qualities.
AJ loves to have a good time. If you’re into concerts, Aj is your guy. Music is a big part of his life. He’s frequently found at the Armory.
What you should know about them:
AJ is an incredibly well-liked guy.
What could they give a TEDTalk about?
The Red Rising book series.
Who would they be good with?
Someone independent, loves music and has a great sense of humor.
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he/him Straight 25 Mexico/Minneapolis
About them: Cormac is an overachiever. For example, he doesn’t just want to be a doctor—he wants to be a Harvard-type doctor. He doesn’t just want to do that; he wants to help build up a Latin American country’s healthcare system. And honestly, I think he has a better chance than anyone else I’ve met of doing it.
This attitude permeates to other areas of his life. He will almost always push a joke to the absolute limit, and he often exceeds that limit. On the dance floor, he is an animal.
What you should know about them:
If he likes you, he is not very subtle about it.
What’s something they’re proud of?
His 2 years of volunteering in Honduras.
Reading nonfiction about poverty and healthcare. Catholicism. Soccer.
What animal would they be?
Gorilla or cockroach.
Who would they be good with?
Somebody who can boss up.
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He/him Straight 24 Twin Cities
About them: Nicholas is a fun-loving and steady friend! He works at the College of Saint Benedict and is super interested in talent development. He isn’t afraid of a good time and has a huge heart. He is quite possibly the best listener of all time – you always walk away feeling like a million bucks!
What you should know about them:
Nicholas is a silly goose in the best way and loves a good Disney music Jam session.
What’s a good memory of them?
On a senior spring break trip, Nicholas won a game of pool by making the other team laugh so hard that they wouldn’t hit the ball. Where he lacks in his pool playing skills, he excels in his humor!
What’s something they’re proud of?
Nicholas is proud to have great family and friends (his words not mine lol)
Nicholas loves to play golf in his free time, and is always intentional to catch up with friends. He is very close with his family as well!
Celebrity personality doppelgänger?
Olaf because he has a great smile and likes warm hugs.
What animal would they be?
What would they be famous for?
Nicholas would be famous for his Disney trivia knowledge or his ability to bring people together.
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He/him Straight 27 St.Louis Park
About them: Jackson is always himself. That’s the most succinct way I can describe him. He is one of the most genuine people I’ve ever met. You never have to guess what he’s thinking, or wonder what is going on in his head. If you get the chance to meet him you’ll see what I mean. He’s always got an excited smile on his face, and he always means it.
What you should know about them:
He is an incredibly driven person, in all aspects of his life. He is always excited about a new opportunity at work, planning a trip with friends, or spending time with his family. He’s always ready and willing to go the extra mile, even when it’s not expected of him.
What’s a good memory you have of them?
A good memory I have of Jackson is when we were traveling together in Australia. We had just taken a flight out into the outback, and when we arrived, Jackson talked to some locals and got us on a tour where we got to see some crazy landscapes and animals. He is great at finding spots off the beaten track, and it was a great addition to the trip.
What’s something they’re proud of?
One thing Jackson would be pretty proud of is his career to this point. His work is important in his life, and something that he has found some significant success in. He is not a bragger, but I am, and I’m writing this for him so here goes. In college, Jackson had an idea. He thought that people living near stadiums or sporting events should have a platform to sell parking in their driveway, and people going to the games should have reliable places to park that they could book in advance. Well that idea became a business, then it became an app, and then it grew into an entire parking company. Jackson recently sold his idea and now works at the company that bought it while dreaming up new solutions.
Staying active (Pickleball, tennis, going to the gym)
Watching, and quoting, Christopher Nolan movies
Trying new foods and new places (travel is a must)What animal would they be?
Jackson would probably be a Clownfish. Which may sound bad, but they’re actually pretty impressive fish! Like them, Jackson shows an exceptional devotion to his community and family, he is pretty funny, and he loves helping others and allowing them to help him in return. That being said he also has some questionable fashion choices, making him the perfect Clownfish.
What would they be famous for?
His borderline concerning knowledge of 90’s and early 00’s rock music. I’m not sure there is a rock band during that time that Jackson couldn’t identify and hum a few songs from. He does branch out a fair bit, so his playlists are quite eclectic, but his knowledge of that time is unmatched.
Who would they be good with?
Jackson would be great with someone that is always up for a challenge, but can also go with the flow. Someone with a passion and excitement for life! He could use some level-headedness to complement his big dreams. His partner would also be someone that speaks their mind and stands up for what they believe in.
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She/her Straight 25 St. Paul
About them: Sarah is a kind, friendly, intelligent, funny, loyal, and intentional person. She truly cares for the people around her. She’s also a great listener! She’s currently in grad school, and moved back from Denver recently. She values quality time with the people around her, and values authentic connections.
What you should know about them:
Sarah is looking to find someone who is also Christian. Sarah is Catholic and faith is important to her.
Hiking, cooking, reading, painting, thrifting
Who would they be good with?
Someone who is Christian, also values quality time, someone who is more outgoing, someone who enjoys LOTR + Harry Potter 🙂
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John Henry
He/him Straight 25 Minneapolis
About them: John Henry is one of the nicest guys I know and one of the funniest guys I know! Such a fun person to hang with and laugh with. He’s currently working on an Electrical Design degree from Dunwoody College of Technology to make a real difference out there!! 😎
What you should know about them:
His favorite food is skyline chili – so if someone likes to eat dog food as well, they would get along perfectly.
What’s a good memory you have of them?
Many drinks deep, watching him sling a toad about 100 feet through the air (into the water of course) on an island in Canada.
What’s something they’re proud of?
Cheffing up ridiculous meals, because he always makes sure to send them to our GC. Or just being that guy.
John Hen likes cooking, soccer, fishing, beach volleyball (honestly a lot of sports), video games, sipping wine with a good movie, and just hanging with the fellas.
Celebrity personality doppelgänger?
JJ McCarthy to a fucking tee.
What could they give a TEDTalk about?
Dark and Darker (video game this kid will not shut up about)
Who would they be good with?
Someone with a good humor, maybe a bit nerdy, and who can challenge him to be his best self.
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He/him Straight 21 Minneapolis
About them: Jossi is a super energetic and outdoorsy guy! He is always smiling no matter what he’s doing, be it skiing, running, or just hanging out. I’ve never run out of things to talk to with this man, he always manages to keep the conversation fresh and engaging.
He’s always down to do whatever, even if plans are changing on the fly. He’ll let out a gut-busting laugh even if he didn’t understand the joke. He also has no shame, I’ll see him singing his heart out to a song in his car all the time!
What you should know about them:
He runs a tight ship. He won’t admit it, but he cares a lot about keeping his things presentable, and clean, especially his car, room, and apartment, but it’ll never stop him from hosting a raging get-together!
What’s a good memory you have of them?
Walking back from a football game and singing the entirety of Hotel California with him on vocals and me on guitar. He hit every note!
Who would they be good with?
Someone active, who enjoys long walks on trails, and also loves going out!
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He/Him Straight 25 Minneapolis
About them: Strom went to the University of Wisconsin, Madison, where he studied political science. When he’s not working, you can find him at the gym, reading a book or playing guitar.
What you should know about them:
One of the funniest people I know. You’ll want him on your trivia team.
What’s something they’re proud of?
He recently completed a half marathon.
Sports, SNL, the Grateful Dead
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She/her Straight 26 Chicago/Minneapolis
About them: Zoë is a 26 year old baddie living in Chicago. She graduated with many many honors from Loyola and Northwestern and is now a therapist! She is the oldest of four siblings and an excellent friend, sister, and ear to all who know her! Despite her employment as someone who listens to people and takes her job seriously, Zoë is an excellent storyteller, host, and guest of any party and is a source of goofiness to people in her life.
What you should know about them:
She is intentional with her time.
What could they give a TEDTalk about?
Anything related to psychology or what makes a restaurant ~good~!
Who (the matchmaker thinks) they would be good with:
Someone like Seth Meyers!
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She/her 25 Straight St. Paul
About them: Alexa is one of my favorite humans ever. She is fun, spontaneous, gives great advice, and has fantastic style. She is also very smart – she graduated with a degree in computer science and works as a software engineer for the state government! She is also the most talented stylist and thrifter I know. All of my favorite pieces of clothing have come from her and she has GREAT personal style.
She resells vintage clothing online and at pop-up markets, and is so incredibly knowledgeable about material qualities, brands, and vintage goods in general. We also worked together as baristas at a bakery and share a love of (good, quality) coffee.
What you should know about them:
She has great taste in coffee and food, so if you take her to a coffee shop or restaurant, it better be good. 🙂 Starbucks is simply not an option. Another great date idea is going thrifting/garage saling! She would love to find a person that shares her interests and hobbies.
Coffee, plants, thrifting, vintage, fashion, traveling, New York, cats, dinner parties, wine
What could they give a TEDtalk about?
Anything vintage clothing related. Ask her about single stitch cotton or 501 Levi’s.
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