She/her Straight 20 Madison
About them: Marissa is a smarty pants who watches South Park. She is a triple major is math, econ, and dance. She’s a good friend and is usually down for an activity suggested, but if she’s not she’ll just do something else. She’s reliable.
What you should know about them:
The outside of her drinking glass is usually smudged and I don’t know how.
What’s something they’re proud of?
Her math grade and dance routine.
South Park, Rick and Morty, dance, and hiking.
What could they give a TEDTalk about?
The relationship between math theorems and dance.
If they were an animal they would be a(n):
A monkey.
Who would they be good with?
Someone who goes with the flow but more organized. A sense of inappropriate humor perhaps, but not in a problematic way.
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