John Henry

He/him Straight 25 Minneapolis

About them: John Henry is one of the nicest guys I know and one of the funniest guys I know! Such a fun person to hang with and laugh with. He’s currently working on an Electrical Design degree from Dunwoody College of Technology to make a real difference out there!! 😎

What you should know about them:

His favorite food is skyline chili – so if someone likes to eat dog food as well, they would get along perfectly.

What’s a good memory you have of them?

Many drinks deep, watching him sling a toad about 100 feet through the air (into the water of course) on an island in Canada.

What’s something they’re proud of?

Cheffing up ridiculous meals, because he always makes sure to send them to our GC. Or just being that guy.


John Hen likes cooking, soccer, fishing, beach volleyball (honestly a lot of sports), video games, sipping wine with a good movie, and just hanging with the fellas.

Celebrity personality doppelgänger?

JJ McCarthy to a fucking tee.

What could they give a TEDTalk about?

Dark and Darker (video game this kid will not shut up about)

Who would they be good with?

Someone with a good humor, maybe a bit nerdy, and who can challenge him to be his best self.


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