Category: Chicago

People in Chicago, IL

  • Tatum

    She/her Straight 23 Chicago

    About them:

    Tatum is a recent college grad and a total girls girl AND a timberwolves fan. She comes from a big Minneapolis family and is very loyal to childhood friends. She is about to embark on a career in nursing in Minneapolis, but currently works for a PR firm in Chicago. She is super smart and goofy.

    What you should know about them:

    She only wears ear muffs instead of hats to protect her curls

    Celebrity personality doppelgänger?

    She looks like the girl from Shameless or Mary Beth Barone

    Who would they be good with?

    Someone lighthearted and attentive


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  • Zoë

    She/her Straight 26 Chicago/Minneapolis

    About them: Zoë is a 26 year old baddie living in Chicago. She graduated with many many honors from Loyola and Northwestern and is now a therapist! She is the oldest of four siblings and an excellent friend, sister, and ear to all who know her! Despite her employment as someone who listens to people and takes her job seriously, Zoë is an excellent storyteller, host, and guest of any party and is a source of goofiness to people in her life.

    What you should know about them:

    She is intentional with her time.

    What could they give a TEDTalk about?

    Anything related to psychology or what makes a restaurant ~good~!

    Who (the matchmaker thinks) they would be good with:

    Someone like Seth Meyers!


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