He/him Straight 24 Minneapolis/NYC
About them: Adi is a creative, argumentative, goofy, witty guy with a good sense of fashion. We became good friends when we picked up skating during high school, and although we only did it for a couple of years, he has that type of energy. Adi is an ambitious and fun-loving guy. Is often the life of the party but is also perfectly happy having a long, interesting conversation. Is somebody who seems like he grew up with sisters but has 2 younger brothers. Has always had women friends. Was in Romeo in Romeo and Juliet in High School. Is looking for his Juliet. Loves doing bits.
Making films, music. Wearing cool clothes. Some video games. Arguing.
Good at film, visual art, and music. He has a silver tongue, and a free spirit. Will always speak his mind, but in a tactful way. Music, fashion, art.
Who would they be good with?
Fun. Sassy. Somebody who likes to argue but isn’t an arguer, per se.
Music video producer.
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