He/him Straight 24 Minneapolis/Spain
About them: John is a genuine, grounded, kind, and wise man. He is down-to-earth— we all love to tease him because he takes it so well and is confident. He’ll laugh at a bad joke, not because he feels bad for you, but because he thinks it’s funny that you thought a joke was funny. He is headstrong, intelligent, and a good listener. Was a social worker in Chicago.
Pool. Soccer. Working out. Watching the Wire or other HBO TV shows.
Pretension. High-maintenance people.
What you should know about them:
John can be stubborn. We will have to physically drag him away from a pool table, game, or whatever thing has his interest. But John also has the same approach to friendships. Once he is your friend, he will always have your back.
Former Social Worker. On hiatus as an English teacher in Spain.
Who would they be good with?
A strong, intelligent woman. Somebody who is a bit more fluid or flexible, who likes banter
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