
He/him Straight 24 Twin Cities

About them: Nicholas is a fun-loving and steady friend! He works at the College of Saint Benedict and is super interested in talent development. He isn’t afraid of a good time and has a huge heart. He is quite possibly the best listener of all time – you always walk away feeling like a million bucks!

What you should know about them:

Nicholas is a silly goose in the best way and loves a good Disney music Jam session.

What’s a good memory of them?

On a senior spring break trip, Nicholas won a game of pool by making the other team laugh so hard that they wouldn’t hit the ball. Where he lacks in his pool playing skills, he excels in his humor!

What’s something they’re proud of?

Nicholas is proud to have great family and friends (his words not mine lol)


Nicholas loves to play golf in his free time, and is always intentional to catch up with friends. He is very close with his family as well!

Celebrity personality doppelgänger?

Olaf because he has a great smile and likes warm hugs.

What animal would they be?


What would they be famous for?

Nicholas would be famous for his Disney trivia knowledge or his ability to bring people together.


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