
He/him Straight 21 Minneapolis

About them: Jossi is a super energetic and outdoorsy guy! He is always smiling no matter what he’s doing, be it skiing, running, or just hanging out. I’ve never run out of things to talk to with this man, he always manages to keep the conversation fresh and engaging.

He’s always down to do whatever, even if plans are changing on the fly. He’ll let out a gut-busting laugh even if he didn’t understand the joke. He also has no shame, I’ll see him singing his heart out to a song in his car all the time!

What you should know about them:

He runs a tight ship. He won’t admit it, but he cares a lot about keeping his things presentable, and clean, especially his car, room, and apartment, but it’ll never stop him from hosting a raging get-together!

What’s a good memory you have of them?

Walking back from a football game and singing the entirety of Hotel California with him on vocals and me on guitar. He hit every note!

Who would they be good with?

Someone active, who enjoys long walks on trails, and also loves going out!


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