
She/her 25 Straight St. Paul

About them: Alexa is one of my favorite humans ever. She is fun, spontaneous, gives great advice, and has fantastic style. She is also very smart – she graduated with a degree in computer science and works as a software engineer for the state government! She is also the most talented stylist and thrifter I know. All of my favorite pieces of clothing have come from her and she has GREAT personal style.

She resells vintage clothing online and at pop-up markets, and is so incredibly knowledgeable about material qualities, brands, and vintage goods in general. We also worked together as baristas at a bakery and share a love of (good, quality) coffee.

What you should know about them:

She has great taste in coffee and food, so if you take her to a coffee shop or restaurant, it better be good. 🙂 Starbucks is simply not an option. Another great date idea is going thrifting/garage saling! She would love to find a person that shares her interests and hobbies.


Coffee, plants, thrifting, vintage, fashion, traveling, New York, cats, dinner parties, wine

What could they give a TEDtalk about?

Anything vintage clothing related. Ask her about single stitch cotton or 501 Levi’s.


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