
He/him Straight 25 Minneapolis

About them: Blake is a chill guy who approaches life in a nonjudgmental and curious way. One day he might take you river tubing and another might be spent watching tiny desk concerts. His music taste is everywhere between Bob Dylan, Mexican folk, and Gunna. He has calmed me in moments of distress and is a fantastic listener (I write this as a female). At parties, which aren’t always his vibe, he can be a wallflower, but always finds himself losing at boom cup. He doesn’t know how to tie a mattress to a pick-up, but he is 6’5”. On top of the height, he takes care of himself and his body is tea. Some of his current goals are getting his bike license to tour with his dad and going back to Mexico with his sister.

What you should know about them:

He has a really low voice. He can be introverted, shy, and overthink. He will probably be slow to make a move.

Who would they be good with?

Outdoorsy, kind, low-maintenance, culturally competent, someone who can tell it to him straight.

What’s a good memory you have of them? 

Stargazing with our friends in the Atacama desert.


Working out, exploring the great outdoors, sauna, word games, learning Spanish, breweries, spending time with friends, adventure sports, learning something new, watching movies.

If they were famous, what would they be famous for?

Something cool he did on accident.


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